Wednesday 6 April 2016

The Easter Rising and the International Press – A Clare County Library Exhibition

Clare County Library has produced a special touring exhibition as part of the 1916-2016 commemorations. The exhibition features headlines and excerpts from newspaper publications around the world during 1916. Notwithstanding the dark shadow of The First World War which dominated world news during 1916, news of the events of The Easter Rising in Ireland received extensive coverage around the globe. Comprehensive daily stories of events in Dublin were provided in both broadsheets and small-town newspapers in places such as New York, Washington, Tacoma and Rock Island in America, all across France and Germany and as far away as Prague, Vienna, Warsaw, Vilnius, Innsbruck and Budapest. News reports even made their way to such places as Iceland, Argentina, Singapore and the Dutch-Indonesian colony of Batavia.

On a local level, newspaper editors were mixing international news stories with the parochial. Alongside news of The First World War, The Easter Rising and the search for Mexican bandits were headlines such as “Increase of 5 Cents on Iron” and “Mayor Gets Two Squirrels for Zoo”.

The exhibition will travel to selected branches of Clare County library over the next few months. It can currently be viewed in Killaloe Public Library during library opening hours and will remain there until Thursday, 28th April and will then move to the Dr. Patrick J. Hillery Public Library, Miltown Malbay.

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