Friday 29 April 2016

Young members of Polish Community leave a gift for the future at Clare Museum

During the past week, some of the youngest members of the Polish community in the Ennis area came to visit the Clare Museum with their parents and to make a presentation to the museum.

The photograph shows Ula Jadowska of the Polish-Irish Association with a Map of Origin made by the children, marking the places in Poland where they were born or have family connections.

This map was presented to the museum for display and is currently on exhibition in the stairwell between the two galleries. The initiative, which came from the Polish community of Ennis, builds on the Festival of Poland instigated by Clare Museum a few years ago.

In due course, the Map of Origin will be donated to Clare Museum for posterity and will be a great gift from the Polish community to their future descendants and to the broader Clare community.

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