Monday 12 November 2018

Science Week 2018 at Clare County Library

Science Week 2018 is taking place nationwide from November 11th to 18th with numerous events happening across the country. Scariff, Ennis and Shannon libraries are getting involved this November and will host shows for children in primary schools.

Two shows will take place in Scariff Library on the 13th of November beginning at 10 and 11.30am. Sue McGrath otherwise known as Scientific Sue will present Ireland’s Ingenious Engineers Show exploring some of the amazing scientific discoveries and engineering feats endeavoured by Irish scientists over a period of 350 years. Children will have their curiosity stirred on Sue’s historic scientific journey and will also be encouraged to think like scientists. The show provides an opportunity to study many science concepts such as flight, the fire triangle, electricity, acid / base (alkali) reactions, neutralisation, the properties of solids, liquid and gases, periodic table, forces, pressure and energy changes whilst also providing fun ways for everyone to engage in processes such as observation, experimentation, investigation, discovery and generation of questions. Designing (probably) the best drinking chocolate in the world, creating a cloud in a bottle, colour changing vegetables, ice cream in a baggie and sending rockets sky high are just a few of the demonstrations that will be used to fire the spirit of discovery within and create lots of excitement.

Which gases are explosive and which gas helps to put out fires? Why do we call purple cabbages red? Why do we need to push the bicycle to help young ones learn to ride? Can we make marshmallows grow? Who was the first person to walk on the moon?

With the help of lots of young volunteers Scientific Sue will attempt to answer these questions and many, many more. Come and join her at Scariff Library on her latest journey of scientific discovery and find out about the amazing science and engineering which is linked to Ireland’s Ingenious Engineers. On November the 15th deValera Library Ennis will host the Science Magic Show at 10.30am with the same event taking place later in the day in Shannon Public Library at 1.15pm.

Coming to County Clare compliments of W5, the award winning Interactive Discovery Centre in Belfast, Northern Ireland, The Science Magic Show will look at the science behind a series of magic-like tricks. Expect a new approach to everyday household objects, some cooking ingredients and perhaps even a chicken (!), to help children from nearby schools decide if the tricks are scientific or just simply magic. Only you the audience can decide.

Clare County Library is delighted to be associated with Science Foundation Ireland’s work in promoting the potential that science and discovery offers in today’s world and in the future.

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