Storytelling sessions come courtesy of the multi-talented Billy Teare and Kathleen O’Sullivan, and poetry will be presented in a novel and interactive way by Tony Maude through his sessions featuring a unique blend of songs, riddles, cats and Shakespeare!
Dr. Fred Freeman, a historian of Scottish song as well as a renowned bagpiper, brings his show Burns for Bairns to children of senior classes. His workshops provide an introduction to Scotland’s bard Robert Burns through singing, tapping-out rhythms, listening and questioning. Freeman’s presentation has been described by teachers from Longford to Letterkenny as an excellent means of linking history and folk music. His presentations will also highlight the poetry and music traditions common to both Scotland and Ireland. Dr. Freeman will also present a lecture to adults in Scariff Library on the evening of Friday the 21st October.
Michael Moylan’s Irish History Live show brings his audiences a museum full of artifacts. Try out the uniforms worn during the Easter Rising or examine the weapons of World War 2 in a hands-on show that’s guaranteed to fascinate children in senior classes in Ennis, Tulla, Ennistymon and Miltown Malbay libraries.
Music Workshops facilitated by John Lillis will focus on educating, entertaining and inspiring children in 5th and 6th classes in a musical environment. John is currently employed as the Music Project Manager at Clare Youth Service and has extensive and comprehensive experience of working with young people in musical environments. The workshop will feature hiphop and DJ culture and the class will use urban music as an introduction to current music technology and alternative ways of artistic expression. Building confidence and respect will be inherent in the workshop, as the children will be encouraged to create their own raps, perform their own music in front of others and work in teams to try and achieve the goals set out in the class.
Adrirenne Geoghegan’s illustration workshops will inspire participants to use everyday objects symbolically, suggestively and decoratively to produce amazing illustrations. Adrienne is an award-winning illustrator of children’s books. In her own words she sculpts her stories painting, drawing, building, constructing and assembling using a mixed media palette. Dogs Don’t Wear Glasses, Who Needs Pockets and Fancy That are some of the titles of Adrienne Geoghegan's published picture books.
And as usual there’s children’s puppet theatre. The world-renowned Miriam Lambert Puppet Theatre will perform The Gingerbread Man with the constant objective of the company to introduce young audiences to the imaginative puppet world, to entertain and stimulate. Having hosted Miriam’s production of the Goldilocks and The Three Bears in 2008, Clare County Library is confident that this will be guaranteed.
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