Monday 18 December 2017

Healthy Ireland at Your Library

Healthy Ireland is the national strategy to improve health and wellbeing, placing a focus on prevention, individual awareness and keeping people healthy for longer.

Public libraries are currently delivering the nationwide Healthy Ireland at Your Library programme that will establish libraries as a valuable source within the community for health information.

Funding granted by Healthy Ireland has enhanced health and wellbeing book collections (digital and hardcopy), and provided for staff training, events, and promotion.

The Healthy Ireland at Your Library programme will continue to build on this and contribute to improving the health, wellbeing, and overall quality of life of communities and individuals at all life stages. Find out more on the services offered see

Monday 4 December 2017

Every Child a Poet

The Poetry Collective has, with the support of Creative Ireland, produced a short film for teachers entitled: Every Child a Poet This 10-minute film will be previewed at the De Valera Library from 5.00 pm through 5.30 pm on Thursday 7th December.

The film is aimed at primary schools and teachers and includes poetry learning and teaching in action along with recitals by children of their own poems and some by well-known writers. The cooperation of children and teachers at Barefield NS in the making of this film is gratefully acknowledged.

The Poetry Collective’s ‘Every Child a Poet’ campaign is aimed at helping all children in County Clare primary schools enjoy, understand and create poetry. This campaign is being organised by the Poetry Collective in conjunction with Clare Education Centre – whose support is greatly appreciated.

Every Child a Poet’ includes a poetry contest. Last year there were 200+ entries, some of exceptional quality; this year it is hoped entries will be 1,000+ and, more than that, to encourage the appreciation and creation of poems by – as the title says – ‘every child’.

A guidebook is available and this, along with further information, may be obtained from Mike Douse at: