Thursday, 28 March 2013
Siobhan Peoples and Murty Ryan - the Leipzig Waltz
Martin Hayes & Dennis Cahill - Masters of Tradition USA Tour 2012
Street Life (Shannon & Kilrush Youth Groups)
Launch of Guinness world record attempt for the largest tin whistle ensemble (in Ennis)
Quin - County Clare
Orange Prize 2013 longlist

Wednesday, 27 March 2013
Clare Communities Urged To Show Pride of Place

Clare County Council is inviting local communities, projects and housing estates to participate in the “Pride of Place” competition 2013. Proposals are currently being invited from groups who wish to seek nomination to the annual all-island competition, which is run by Co-operation Ireland in conjunction with local authorities north and south of the border. Clare was represented in last year’s Pride of Place by the Clare Sports Partnership and Cuimhneamh and Chláir. The County’s last success in the competition came in 2011 when the Clare Crusaders Children's Clinic received an award under the Community Health Initiative category. If nominated by Clare County Council to compete in the all-island competition, judging for ‘Pride of Place 2013’ will take place between June, July or August. Community group winners, runners up and special award recipients receive a trophy and small monetary prize at a special awards ceremony, in Derry next November. “Pride of Place aims to recognise and celebrate the vital contributions that communities make to society along with generating awareness, respect and inclusion for every facet of society,” explained Nicola Cullinan, Pride of Place Coordinator in Clare. Ms. Cullinan added: “In Clare, we have a wealth of community focused groups and projects that provide services in keeping with the aims and objectives of Pride of Place. Participating local communities have benefited greatly from their experiences as the competition has provided them with an excellent opportunity to highlight the elements of their areas that they have civic pride in, and gave them a platform to showcase the work they are doing on a continual basis.” Clare County Council may nominate one group only per category, providing the total number nominated does not exceed five. The nine categories include Tourism Diaspora Project, Enterprise and Youth, Community Arts, Housing Estates, (Theme Categories), up to 200 people, between 200-500 people, between 500-1000 people, between 1000-2000 people, and in excess of 2,000 (Population Categories). Population Categories will be assessed on Community Participation, Impact on Community / Area and Overall impression. Themed Categories will be judged on Impact on Community, Innovation, Sustainability, Local Leadership, Management and Overall impression. Meanwhile, expressions of interest relating to the Housing Estates category will be assessed on Community Participation, Provision for the vulnerable, Level of engagement, Impact on Community, Community events and Overall Impression. Groups interested in being considered for nomination are asked to submit a written expression of interest, detailing their preferred Category with a typed A4 summary setting out their proposal to Nicola Cullinan, Pride of Place Coordinator, Tourism & Community Development Department, Clare County Council, New Road, Ennis, Co Clare. Further information on the all-island competition is available at Closing date for receipt of proposals is 4.00pm on Thursday, 28th March 2013. Pride of Place was first piloted in the summer of 2003 and came from the Local Authority All-Island Steering Forum - a forum that encourages strategic, sustainable approaches to cross border co-operation.
Tuesday, 26 March 2013
National Famine Commemoration in Kilrush

Kilrush, County Clare, and its environs were among the areas worst hit by the Great Irish Famine between 1845 and the early 1850s. In the 1840s, half a century before the introduction of Local Authorities, most local government and local taxation were devolved to the level of the Poor Law Union and placed in the hands of the local Boards of Guardians. In the Kilrush Union, which originally stretched all the way from Loop Head in the west to Quilty in the north to Killadysert in the east, the unpaid Guardians lost control of the situation during the famine. In November 1847, Captain Arthur Kennedy was appointed in an advisory capacity as Poor Law Inspector for Kilrush, where he remained until September 1850. His detailed reports documented the further deterioration of the situation, and the Guardians were stripped of their powers, which were transferred between April 1848 and November 1849 to two paid Vice-Guardians. Between December 1849 and February 1850, the Illustrated London News carried a lengthy seven-part series entitled Condition of Ireland: Illustrations of the New Poor-Law, illustrated by a total of eighteen sketches. The series and the sketches concentrated on the Poor Law Union of Kilrush, where the effects of famine were particularly harshly felt. These eighteen contemporary sketches are today by far the best recognised images of famine conditions in Ireland. Some or all of them have been reproduced in almost every general work on the Famine. The 2013 National Famine Commemoration will take place on Sunday 12th May on Frances Street in Kilrush. A full ten-day programme of events leading up to the National Famine Commemoration will begin on Friday 3rd May, including a series of lectures, walks, tours, re-enactments, theatre, music, exhibitions and local commemoration ceremonies. These events recall the impact of the Great Famine on the people and the landscape of the Kilrush Poor Law Union. There will be no cover charge for any of the events listed in this programme. Donation boxes for charities currently fighting famine around the world will be located at some venues.
Brochure of events...
Kilrush Union Minute Books 1849
Deaths and Staff in Kilrush and Ennistymon Workhouses 1850-51
Reports and Returns Relating to Evictions in the Kilrush Union (1847-1849)
The Famine in Clare from the Illustrated London News, 1849-50
Poverty before the Famine (examines Kilkee)
Poetry Slam in Scariff Library
Monday, 25 March 2013
Our daily bread: food and drink in medieval Irish monasteries
Careers for Teens – Shannon Library

Greg McGough from the Worksmart Project welcomed a transition Year group of 24 students from St. Patrick's Comprehensive School to Seán Lemass Public Library, Shannon, on Wednesday 20th March. Greg had the students on their feet immediately and encouraged them to shout as loud as they could because, as he said, they might never get to shout as loudly in a library again! When the group were seated again and wide awake after his ice-breaking exercise, Greg then went on to speak for over 90 minutes about how students can maximise their potential in school, college and in the workplace. Greg explained the 'Maverick' method of self-assessment that makes up the basis of the Worksmart Project and made his way through the different elements of the system including Motivation, Assessment, Visualise, Educate, Re-assess, Investigate, Cost vs Gain, Know Yourself. He had lots of excellent advice about making college and career choices and advised the group on the best ways to present themselves on a CV and in an interview situation. Greg delivered the Worksmart Project with a real honesty and enthusiasm and the students listened intently throughout. The talk was perfectly pitched at the Transition Year age-group and their stage at the cusp of the junior and senior cycles. Students, teachers and library staff were very impressed with the event.
Teen Week in Shannon

Teen Week 2013 got under way in Shannon and Scariff Libraries on the week of the 19th of March. 50 students from St. Patrick's Comprehensive School attended Seán Lemass Public Library in Shannon on day one of the programme along with their teacher Mike Scanlon to hear Clare County Council's architectural conservation officer Risteard Ua Cróinín’s presentation on the importance of conserving our traditional buildings. The group included Transition Year and Construction Studies students. Risteard’s informative talk was supplemented by a slide show which demonstrated the quality of the building techniques employed years ago. He offered some very practical advice on how traditional structures might be protected and welcomed questions from the audience. It was apparent to all attending that Dick has a huge depth of knowledge in the area of planning, conservation and local history.
Thursday, 21 March 2013
Claire Welcoming Claires to County Clare
Sharon Shannon - Sandy River Belle Live at Dolans
Tulla Pipe Band, St. Patrick's Day 2013
Killaloe and Mountshannon - County Clare
Colorado State University Marching Band sings at Cliffs of Moher
Wednesday, 20 March 2013
Ré Ó Laighléis in Shannon Library for Seachtain Na Gaeilge

The author Ré Ó Laighléis visited Seán Lemass Public Library in Shannon on Friday 15th March and entertained 2nd Year students from both St. Patrick’s Comprehensive School and St. Caimin’s Community School. Ré spoke with the students for well over an hour on such diverse subjects as publishing, creative writing, bullying and speaking Irish. Ré encouraged the students to try to use their ‘cúpla focail’ every day even in a very small way and not just during Seachtain na Gaeilge. He gave examples where the teenagers could practise their Irish and explained that almost everyone has even a few words. Ré also spoke about the books he has written and read from one of his novels. He explained that although his books were written primarily in Irish, they have still been very successful throughout the world, have been translated into many languages and have won many prestigious awards including the Bisto Book of the Year award. Ré encouraged the students to put pen to paper by telling them about the recently published book ‘Flying the Banner’ a collection of short stories written by their fellow students in St. Patrick’s and St. Caimin’s schools. ‘Flying the Banner’ was compiled and edited by Ré himself and he was full of praise for the talent of the young writers involved. The students and teachers thoroughly enjoyed Ré’s visit to Shannon library and were really taken by Ré’s enthusiasm for the Irish language and for creative writing.
Tuesday, 19 March 2013
Seachtain na Gaeilge celebrations in Scariff Library
World Book Day and Seachtain na Gaeilge in Kildysart Library

Kildysart Public Library has been a hive of activity in recent weeks with visits from local schools who joined in the World Book Day and Seachtain na Gaeilge celebrations at the branch. Cranny and Labasheeda National Schools enjoyed what Branch Librarian Margaret. Sheehan described as “a lovely relaxed and friendly art session under the professional guidance of artist Alan Shoosmith” on World Book Day the 7th of March. It was an ideal opportunity for children and teachers from neighbouring schools to get together for a reading related activity. Both the children and teachers greatly enjoyed the session and complimented the library on organizing it.
On Tuesday 12th March Teresa Carmody O’Shea, Library Staff Officer, entertained the children of 1st class from Kildysart National School with her scéalaíocht do dhaoine óga repertoire. Teresa’s storytimes celebrating Seachtain na Gaeilge in Kilmihil, Kildysart, Kilrush and Kilkee libraries included lots of fun, learning and using the Irish language while promoting the library’s resources. Her sessions were much appreciated and enjoyed by a lively bunch of seven year olds and their teachers alike in all four libraries.
‘Continuum’, in the Gallery at Scariff Library

Erato, the Wood-Nymph Dryad is an arresting sculpture that is part of the current exhibition, ‘Continuum’, in The Gallery at Scariff Public Library. Patsy Preston, the artist, used tree-bark, shells, hemp rope and other found items in the making of the impressive figure. Patsy says “I like to play with materials and surface… to create a dialogue between the natural world, the viewer, and energy and pattern that exist in realms unseen.” Continuum is a group exhibition by thirteen recent art college graduates. The show displays work from their student days to the present. The works explore the reflective changes as they try to forge their own paths as artists outside of the influence and institution of college. The exhibition runs until April 2nd so come along to get a glimpse of this beautiful sculpture and the paintings at the library.
Scariff Library book clubs

Scariff Public Library's morning book club is only a few months old but already they have had their first evening outing to the Ennis Book Club Festival. They read Star of the Sea in advance of the special Giant Book Club Gathering hosted by author Joseph O'Connor. It was a great night out and some members got to speak to Joseph when he signed their copies of the book. It was lovely to meet other book clubs and take part in the discussion and they will definitely be back in 2014! They meet on the second Friday of every month at 11am in the library and look forward to welcoming new members. It's a great way to meet new people too!
The teen book club in Scariff Public Library is looking forward to their special book club meeting for Teen Week on March 19th at 6pm. They will be talking about The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath. The teens love having their own book club and are excited about their new project compiling a list of teen picks for Clare County Library. They will recommend good reads and a "teen pick" sticker will be placed on the selected novels in all branches. A great way for teens to let other teens know about a book they loved!
Friday, 15 March 2013
The Gathering Song - Socks In The Frying Pan
The Tulla Céilí Band in Mill Marquee, 2009
Lou McMahon - 'Summer on the Moon', live at Cultúrlann Sweeney, Kilkee
Kilrush... Just a Glimpse
Welcome to East Clare
How Google Search Works
Thursday, 14 March 2013
Seachtain na Gaeilge at Miltown Malbay library
Clare County Library’s Teen Week 2013
Ciaran Collins will facilitate a two-hour music workshop in both libraries during the week giving an overview of music creation and production. Young music lovers are guaranteed to come away with useful tips on songwriting, how to record a demo and even information on how to make their pitch with recording companies. Workshop participants will have access to acoustic, electric and bass guitars, a drum machine and digitech console and much more, with the ultimate aim being to create their own track by the end
of the session.
Thinking of Careers is a ninety minute workshop tailored to help Senior Cycle students make educated career choices. Discussion will cover CV building, interview preparation, personal and aptitudinal assessment, target-setting and advice on relevant work experience. Course facilitator Greg McGeogh will deliver all the advice necessary for young people to make informed decisions about their future on leaving second level education.
Architectural conservation officer with Clare County Council, Risteard Ua Cróinín will deliver a presentation to students on The Importance of our Traditional Buildings. Risteard’s work includes responsibility for the built environment of the county. He has a wealth of archaeological and architectural knowledge to share with students who are interested in where they live in County Clare.
Stephen Murray was born in Ireland in 1974 and moved to London in 1975. As a teenager, he was twice a runner-up in the W.H. Smith Young Writer of the Year Awards. In 2005 he was crowned Cúirt Grand Slam Champion and he has performed his work as guest reader at many of the world’s most famous poetry venues. He currently lives and writes in Galway where he works as director of Inspireland, teaching poetry and creative
writing to young people across the country. House of Bees is his debut collection.
His poetry slam for teenagers is guaranteed to be a hit with Scariff Community College students who’ve already booked their places.
Wednesday, 13 March 2013
World Book Day in Scariff Public Library

Fresh from World Book Day celebrations in their school, 2nd and 3rd classes from Scariff National School took part in an art workshop with artist Alan Shoosmith in Scariff Public Library. Dressed as characters from their favourite books, including a very impressive tin man from the The Wizard of Oz, the classes took their inspiration from the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series of books to produce a very colourful display. Quizzes, storytimes and readings were the order of the day for two local national schools, Ogonelloe and Mountshannon, when Scariff library staff members Aileen McDonagh and Samantha Morrissey visited to celebrate World Book Day.
Friday, 8 March 2013
The Burren - time lapse sequences by David Hunt
Set of reels with John Joe Tuttle and friends
Eoin O'Neill, Quentin Cooper, Maeve Kearse and Lorraine O'Brien in Brogans, Ennis
North Clare - County Clare
Pink Ribbon Walk in Killaloe
Mol An Óige school fund launch day
Wednesday, 6 March 2013
Polish choir at Clare Museum

Jakub Kacprzak (centre), a Polish national and FÁS Job-bridge intern at the Clare Museum, gives a guided tour in his native language to a Polish church choir group visiting the museum recently. The choir was in the mid-west for a few days, combining sight-seeing at the Cliffs of Moher, Clare Museum and other attractions with singing at several Polish masses over the weekend in Ennis and Limerick.
Adult Literacy Book Club at Scariff Library

Scariff Public Library, in conjunction with Scariff VEC and Scariff Brothers of Charity, has been successfully running an Adult Literacy Book Club at Scariff Library for the past year. It is the only such group in Clare and has grown in numbers since its initial launch, and is now facilitating 14 students. A wide range of subjects is covered each week from reading to comprehension, writing and creativity, and the meetings are also an important social outlet for many of the members. The group meets for two hours every Wednesday and enjoys learning in a relaxed comfortable environment. Over the past two months, members have put together an art project with the help of artist Nicola Barnes. The idea for the piece came from class discussions on ways that learners themselves could become involved locally in celebrating Adult Learners Festival. Collectively they have produced a piece of artwork which reflects their own experiences of learning and which they hope will inspire others to get involved. The art piece was unveiled by Siobhan Mulcahy, Clare Arts Officer, at Scariff Library on Wednesday 27th February and will be on display for the remainder of the Adult learners Festival. Photo shows Aileen McDonagh (Senior Library Assistant, Scariff Public Library), Mary Mullane (Adult Literacy co-ordinator with the VEC in Scariff), Siobhan Mulcahy and participants in the project.
Tuesday, 5 March 2013
World Book Day – 7th March
Seachtain na Gaeilge
Engineers Week
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