From the foreword:) The
Draft Clare County Development Plan 2011-2017 is an overall strategy for the proper planning and sustainable development of County Clare and, when adopted, will set out the vision and objectives for the six year period 2011-2017. The Plan will guide development within the County during the period 2011-2017 and it is therefore imperative that the people of the County have the opportunity to influence and to participate in the preparation of the Plan. In this regard, all interested individuals and organisations, at local, regional and national levels are encouraged to avail of the opportunity over the next 10 weeks to comment or make submissions on the Draft Clare County Development Plan 2011-2017 The objectives included in the Draft Plan provide for the economic, social and cultural development of the County while protecting the natural and built environment. This Draft Plan recognises and proactively responds to the recent changes in the economic climate and has the potential to be a catalyst for positive change and growth. It builds on the unique strengths which County Clare has to offer and contains chapters on Employment and Economic Development; Social Inclusion and Cultural Development; Tourism; and Housing and Sustainable Communities. The Wind Energy Strategy which is incorporated into the Draft Plan provides a blueprint for the potential development of the County’s renewable energy resources. It is worth noting that this is the first Draft County Development Plan which has been subjected to Strategic Environmental Assessment and the provisions of Habitats Directive Assessment, as now required by EU Directives. Furthermore, the Draft Development Plan responds to the issues of climate change and flooding with the preparation of a strategic flood risk assessment. Following an extensive early public consultation process throughout the County, this Draft Clare County Development Plan 2011-2017 was prepared taking into account the views of communities, individuals and statutory bodies. The elected members, management and staff of Clare County Council have listened to the views of the public and a Draft Development Plan has now been agreed which sets out a shared vision for the future development of the County. The inclusive approach to the preparation of the draft Clare County Development Plan 2011-2017 is reflected in the accessible user-friendly language and high quality of mapping throughout the document. The process of making development plans must be open, transparent and most importantly, inclusive. It must reflect the wishes and aspirations of the people of the County. Please make YOUR views, opinions and aspirations known by engaging in the public consultation process...
Submissions or observations (2 copies) regarding the Draft Clare County Development Plan 2011 – 2017 may be made in writing to the Forward Planning unit, Planning Land Use and Transportation, Clare County Council, Áras Contae an Chláir, New Road, Ennis, Co. Clare from Monday 25th January 2010 to Tuesday 6th April, 2010. Alternatively, submissions or observations may also be emailed to
forwardplan@clarecoco.ie or may be faxed to (065) 6892071. Submissions made via email must include the full name and address of the person making the submission. (Maximum document size by e-mail: 5MB). Please make your submission by one medium only i.e. hard copy, email or fax. The closing date for receipt for submissions is 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday 6th April, 2010. Written submissions or observations with respect to the Draft Development Plan made to the Planning Authority within the stated period will be taken into consideration before the making of the plan.
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