Wednesday 20 August 2014

Rediscover your heritage with Clare County Library during Heritage Week 2014

2014 is the 20th Anniversary of the International Year of the Family at the United Nations and to celebrate The Heritage Council has adopted the theme of ‘Family…generations exploring heritage together’ for National Heritage Week 2014. Each year, during the last week of August, many national and local community organisations participate in National Heritage Week by running events throughout the country. The programme highlights the abundance of great work that is carried out in all communities in Ireland to preserve and promote our natural, built and cultural heritage. Heritage Week is co-ordinated by the Heritage Council with support from the Department of the Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht and Fáilte Ireland and, in Clare, Clare County Council.

There are over 75 events planned by various organisations in County Clare to celebrate the week, which runs from the 23rd-31st August, and Clare County Library is proud to count itself among them again this year. Gerry Kennedy of the Clare Roots Society will visit the De Valera Public Library in Ennis on Tuesday 26th August at 7pm and Sean Lemass Public Library in Shannon on Wednesday 27th August at 1pm to give talkson genealogy with Q&A afterwards.

Members of Cuimhneamh an Chláir, the Clare Oral History and Folklore Group, will host events entitled ‘Come here ‘til I tell ya’ in Kilrush Public Library on Wednesday 27th August at 6.30pm and in Kilfinaghty Public Library, Sixmilebridge on Thursday 28th August at 6.30pm. Cuimhneamh an Chláir aims to record, document, archive and share the memories and experiences of County Clare's older population. Over 600 people from County Clare have been recorded so far. These events will feature a series of audio recordings from people of Kilrush and surrounding areas and Sixmilebridge and surrounding areas respectively.

Killaloe Public Library is delighted to host a talk by Nigel Beers Smith on Wednesday 27th August at 7pm. Nigel will give a fascinating insight into the Mountshannon eagles. Younger fans of all things winged will also be catered for in Killaloe with story time, games and a craft session focusing on bats on Tuesday 26th August from 2.30pm. This event is aimed at children aged 4-8. Many more of Clare County Library’s branches will also have special story times and book displays for children, all themed to mark Heritage Week. You can contact your local branch for details.

On Saturday 30th August Tulla Public Library will open at 10am especially to host a genealogy workshop. Staff member Ann McNamara will host this workshop which will provide an opportunity to learn more about getting started on researching your family tree and what resources are available at the library.

All library events are free of charge and everyone is welcome, so be sure to take this opportunity for the whole family to discover and enjoy your heritage and history. Details of events can be found at or or by phoning 065 6846350.

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