When deciding on names for new developments such as housing estates, streets, etc, and their associated signage, it is of utmost importance that modern placenames reflect the local topography, history, culture or ecology such as ancient fields, roads, people and significant events. And thus Coiste Logainmneacha an Chláir/The Clare Placenames Committee was established in 2002 to give advice on selecting placenames and to monitor new names given to development throughout the county. Amongst its aims are the conception and preservation of names that are easily pronounced and the use of Irish language names is keenly encouraged, where possible.
Before commencing a proposed development, the developer must submit names to Clare County Council and to the Town Councils for consideration by the Placenames Committee, and for its written agreement. Cuirfidh an Coiste Logainmneacha comhairle ar fáil maidir le h-ainmniú forbairtí nua, nuair is gá. Upon researching the area concerned, the most topographically, historically and geographically apt names are then recommended by the Committee for use in respect of such development.
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