Writing4all Limited (‘W4all’) runs the well known site
www.writing4all.ie. Since its launch in November 2008 it has attracted 2000 members with in excess of 2600 individual pieces of writing posted to the site covering Poetry, Fiction and Non-Fiction. At ‘
The Forge at Gort Literary Festival’, to be held on March 26th and 27th in Gort, Co.Galway, W4all will launch, in a major new initiative, a website dedicated to writing groups in Ireland and abroad. The website
www.ourwritinggroup.com will consist of (1) an individual website for each writing group and (2) a master website where the public and all writing groups can view postings. Provision will be made for ‘virtual’ groups to have dedicated websites based on genre. An additional feature of the offering is that there will be an International Writing Group award to individual writing groups based on a collection of work published by such groups. The prize fund is significant, with a first prize is €3,000. The inaugural competition is open to writing groups publishing prior to 31st December 2010 and the winners will be notified in early 2011 with an award ceremony tentatively scheduled for April 2011. The adjudicator of the inaugural competition is
Christine Dwyer Hickey, well known Irish novelist and short story writer.
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